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An Insightful
Meeting on 26th November 2024 with Mr. Chirag Mehta ,
CIO & Fund Manager of Quantum Ethical Fund. Which is only the
Third Shariah-Compliant Halal Mutual Fund in India scheduled
to be launched on 2nd December 2024. Had an in-depth
discussion on the future working of the fund, its Ethical Standards
and Growth Potential. On the Shariah-Compliance front. the
fund received guidelines and will be monitored and certified by the
Shariah Board of ShariahCap Advisors headed by Dr.
Shariq Nisar, a well known qualified personality in Islamic
Finance. |
Investment Islamic Investment Shariah Compliant Investment Ethical
Investment Or Socially Responsible Investment.
We Offer Halal
Investment, Islamic Investment Or Shariah Compliant Investment
Options In Accordance To The Principles Laid Down By The Shariah
Law. Also Called As Ethical Investment Or Socially Responsible
Investment, Which Avoids All Businesses And Trading Practices
Involving Riba (Interest), Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling, Pornography,
etc Which are Considered Social Evils And Are Also Haram (Forbidden)
In the Islamic Law.
We Help You Invest & Grow Your Savings In Shariah Compliant Halal
Mutual Funds To Meet Your Financial Goals, Or Trade In Shariah
Compliant Shares Directly In The Stock Market & Earn Halal Income.
Trade & Invest Ethically To Achieve Good In This World As Well As In
The Hereafter.
Open A
FREE Trading & DEMAT Account
Open A
FREE Mutual Funds Investment Account
In This Age Saving Is Not
Enough, Your Savings Loose Value Every Year Due To Inflation & Price
Rise. Your Savings Must Also Grow Simultaneously In Order To Benefit You
In Future. Shariah Compliant Mutual Funds Invests Your Savings In
Shariah Compliant Companies To Give Halal Returns. If You Are Saving
For Your Long-Term Goals Like Child's Education Or Marriage, Buying
a House, Going For Hajj Or Umrah, etc. It Only Makes Sense That Your
Savings Should Grow Simultaneously So That It Can Overcome The
Rising Prices Of Such Goals.
Shariah Compliant
Mutual Funds or Halal Mutual Funds Offer Much Needed Liquidity As They Are Open-Ended
Funds Where You Can Invest Or Withdraw Anytime In Case Of Emergency,
But The Real Benefit Of Growth Is In Remaining Invested For Long
Term. There Is No Lock-In Period And Your Investments Can Be
Redeemed In 3-5 Business Days.
Shariah Compliant
Mutual Funds Are Very Professionally Managed Funds By Industry
Experts. As They Invest and Operate In The Stock Markets, They
Are Subject To Short Term Crashes & Volatility, But Since Their
Investments Are Smartly Diversified Across Companies & Sectors, They
Are Less Riskier Than Investing Directly In The Stock Markets. They
are Also Highly Regulated By Government Agency SEBI That Ensures
Transparency & Accountability In The Day To Day Business Of The
For some time now representatives of
Indian Muslim community – some 180 million strong – have been
pushing for Shariah-Compliant products. Globally, it is a
$2-trillion industry growing at a double-digit rate. While West Asia
and Muslim countries take up a large part of this pie, developed
banking systems have also opened up windows to allow such products.
In recent years, banking & related Shariah-Compliant services have
been among the fastest-growing segments of finance in the West.
London is a big hub of Islamic banking. Germany and US have limited
offerings, but they can be found.
In India, there is an unmet market need for such products. Fewer
Muslims in India operate a bank account compared to other religions.
Because their religion does not allow them to invest in
interest-bearing products, Muslims end up keeping money at home or
running the risk of loan sharks & fly-by-night operators that use
the cover of NBFCs to hoodwink consumers.
Hence, there is a need to
bring awareness about available Shariah-Compliant Investment
opportunities & channel the community's savings into
country's main stream financial system with adequate capital
protection while complying with their religious obligations. |